Title: SaddleCamp
Location: Saddleback east M.C. grounds
Description: A weekend of family fun with the focus on young riders.
Start Date: 2017-10-21
End Date: 2017-10-21
Hey everyone…it looks like SaddleCamp will be a Go again this year. We are looking at October 21st this year.
If you’ve never been a part of this event, please check it out. We put on SaddleCamp to get young kids interested in riding. If you have nephews, nieces or neighborhood kids who might find it fun, Bring them out! They will be carefully monitored by some amazing teachers. No previous riding necessary, they will start …you from Square 1: Riding in circles in a field 101 lol.
SaddleCamp is FREE for these kids and we provide the grub. Let’s make SaddleCamp amazing this year. More tutors, more kids and MORE FUN!!
I hope to see you all there!