There have been questions about proxy voting for election of officers and directors. The bylaws do not allow for proxy votes for elections. Here is the language from Article 1 sec 6.7
The provisions for proxy voting contained in Article V, Section 6.2 shall be satisfied by delivery of the proxy to the secretary by email or fax, and may be used for purposes of voting on any other actions taken by the members under Article 1, Section 6.5, except for elections and the sale of all or substantially all the corporations assets.”
Category Archives: News
Club grounds closed to pleasure riding June 26 & June27
The club grounds will be closed Friday06/26/2015 and Saturday 06/27/2015 so we can host the Saddleback East MC round of the Stoney Lonesome MC Hare Scramble series. Come out and help score the event or be a spectator! Free admission for club members and their immediate family.
Race is Saturday June 27th
Start times:
Gate Opens: 8:00AM
PeeWee: 9:00AM
Mini Classes: 10:00AM
Big Bike Classes: 12:00PM
Visit for more info.
Dan Kuster and I spoke today and after talking with Frankie we feel it is in the best interest of the club to postpone the trail work day this weekend. Frankie expressed concern for not only the woods but the area around the camp sites, pavilion and especially the drive way. With all the melting snow and now the rain moving in tonight he said that the ground saturation in these areas were very very bad and we may do more damage than good.
Dan and I agreed we would set up a new date at the March meeting in just a few weeks.
Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience!
Brian Temple
Monthly members meeting
Title: Monthly members meeting
Location: El Torazo – 1850 S. Hurstbourne Lane Louisville KY 40220
Description: Monthly meeting 02/04/2014 7:00 pm El Torazo – 1850 S. Hurstbourne Lane Louisville KY 40220 . Come early and join us for dinner.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2014-02-04
End Time: 20:00
General maintenance work days 04/05 & 04/06/2014
Title: General maintenance work days 04/05 & 04/06/2014
Location: Saddleback pavillion
Description: General maintenance work days 04/05 & 04/06/2014. Meet at the pavilion each day at 8:00 am work till around 4:00 pm. Bring hand tools, weed eaters, saws, chain saws and your Bike,Quad/UTV to get around on.
Start Date: 2014-04-05
Start Time: 09:00
End Date: 2014-04-06
End Time: 16:00
Work days to establish new trails
Title: Work days to establish new trails
Location: Saddleback pavillion
Description: Work days to establish new trails. Saddleback pavillion 9:00 am each Day (02/22 & 02/23/2014 work till around 4:00 pm. Bring Chain saws, hand saws, nippers and your bike or quad/UTV etc to haul you and your tools. We plan to work deep in the new property. All and any help is welcome including guests.
Start Date: 2014-02-22
Start Time: 09:00
End Date: 2014-02-23
End Time: 16:00
Dixie Cup Trials
Title: Dixie Cup Trials
Location: Saddleback pavillion
Link out: Click here
Moto Trials Observed Trials 2 day event
Saturday signup 9:45 am Youth start 10:30 am Adult start 12:00 pm
Sunday signup 8:45 am Youth start 9:30 am Adult start 11:00 am
Start Date: 2014-08-02
End Date: 2014-08-03
Monthly members meeting
Title: Monthly members meeting
Location: El Torazo – 1850 S. Hurstbourne Lane Louisville KY 40220
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2014-01-07
End Time: 21:00
Monthly members meeting
Title: Monthly members meeting
Location: El Torazo – 1850 S. Hurstbourne Lane Louisville KY 40220
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2014-01-07
End Time: 21:00
PLEASE AVOID RIDING THE GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD FROM HWY. 42 ON THE NEW PROPERTY. It is hunting season and that road cuts through some acreage owned by our neighbor Mr. Brown. PLEASE STAY ON THE TRAILS ABOVE THE OLD BARN and avoid the roadway unless there is a medical emergency.